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Q & A with hit Singer/Songwriter Mitchell Tenpenny on Nashville Favorites and New EP

Tell us about your EP ‘Linden Ave’ that was released in July. What was the writing process like behind it?

The writing process was all about being authentic. I wanted to write about things that I’ve been through and experienced personally and that others would relate to, but all in a different way.

Was “Linden Ave” born in Nashville or on the road?

‘Linden Ave’ was born in Nashville, Tennessee.

Do you have a favorite song on the EP? Or one that fans have been responding really well to?

“Bitches” — This song has been the one that fans have been singing back to us since day one. It’s catchy and honestly everyone can relate to it.

You have been busy on the road touring with big names like Granger Smith. What is some of the advice you have received from him? Has there been any pranks?

No pranks yet, but being on tour with Granger is more motivation than advice. He’s a great guy all around and to see a crew like his and the machine they’ve built — it’s inspiring.

What would eight-year old Mitchell say to you now about your life and career?

“Hey! You finally have the guitar you wanted!”

Any other big plans for the rest of 2017?

Just being on the road more, I can’t wait to get out there and play more shows.

Being from the Nashville area, you have defiantly seen this city boom! What was it like growing up here?

It was nothing like it is now. It’s always been full of nice and kind people, but there was room to grow back then.

You were pretty much born with music in your blood, so where did the passion for food and music come from?

Not only did I grow up surrounded by music, I grew up surrounded by great food. I have great cooks in my family that didn’t only have a great taste in food, but in music as well.

What’s a typical day like for you (food-wise) when you’re at home and how is that different from when you are on tour?

To be honest, I don’t have that much food in my house. I’m not a huge cook, so I eat out a lot. I enjoy going out to eat and finding new restaurants. When I’m on tour, it’s usually anything that’s quick, but we do like to check out the local places in the towns we’re in, and ask the locals where the best places to go are. But top secret — we love Applebee’s.

What is your favorite food to cook for your friends?

Steak and Potatoes

What does your cooking music playlist look like?

The “Emo Forever” playlist on Spotify
Is there anywhere you have wanted to travel to dine in that you have not yet?

I’m trying to find the best Barbecue in the U.S — any suggestions?

We actually have an article coming soon about the best BBQ in America! Are you a fan of the “Nashville Hot Chicken” or where is your favorite place to eat and what do you order?

I’m not very into the Hot Chicken. I like to enjoy my meals, and sometimes the hot chicken is too hot. My favorite place to eat in Nashville though is Kayne Prime. I love their Wagyu steak.

If you designed your own food tour of Nashville, which restaurants/bars would be on your list of places to visit?

Fenwicks’ bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee, Losers’ chicken fingers and bushwhackers, Paradise Park’s burgers and $6 pitchers of natural light, The Pharmacy’s cheese burgers, and finally Fin and Pearl’s seafood.

What is the one place you have always dreamed of dining?

Chick-fil-a on a Sunday

If you could pick one food to eat every day for the rest of your life, what would that be?

Bacon Mac & Cheese

If you could eat or have a drink with one person dead or alive, who would it be and what would you have?

John Mayer – An old fashioned and bacon-wrapped steak

Let’s Talk Best in Nashville Quickfire:
Favorite Downtown Restaurant: Acme
Best BBQ: Peg Leg Porker
Coffee: Fenwicks
Winners or Losers: Losers
Best place for date night: Adele’s
Hot Chicken: Boltons
Tacos: Taco Mamacita
Steak: Kayne Prime or Jimmy Kelly’s
Brewery: Yazoo


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