Larry Fleet has always put in the work—pouring concrete by day, playing bar gigs by night, and grinding his way through the music world with sheer determination. Now, he’s channeling that same work ethic into his next chapter as an independent artist, launching both a new song and a tour named after the very things that got him here: “Hard Work & Holy Water” (Listen above). The tour kicks off tonight (2/13) in Fayetteville, Arkansas and will be making a stop at our favorite cave (The Caverns) on May 15 and 16th, in Pelham, Tennessee.
“I’m where I am today because of a whole lot of hard work and even more Holy Water,” Fleet shares. “This past year brought some big changes in my career and my life, and this song is my reality right now—so it felt right to name both the tour and my first independent release after it.”
Co-written with Luke Laird and Barry Dean, the song is a testament to the grit and faith that fuel Fleet’s journey. “I always aim to write songs that are real to me, about things I’ve lived—or am living. And this song is exactly that,” he explains. “It just feels special.”
Fleet isn’t slowing down anytime soon, revealing that he’s back in the studio with Trent Willmon, crafting even more new music. “I really hope people connect with it and see their own stories in these songs,” he says.
2024 was a whirlwind for Fleet. He wrapped up The Earned It Tour, playing theaters from New Orleans to Boston, while also sharing stages with Billy Currington, Kip Moore, Jon Pardi, and Morgan Wallen. His reach extended far beyond the U.S., headlining sold-out shows in London and Niagara Falls and gearing up for Australian dates in Melbourne and Sydney alongside Pardi and Zach Top.
“I’m really excited about 2025,” Fleet says. “Between the new music, different projects, and a full touring schedule—all over the world—there’s a lot to look forward to. They’re already telling me some shows are selling out, so things are looking up, and I can’t wait to hit the road.”
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